Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse
Energetic shifts on a soul, psyche, and cellular level are happening right now to initiate endings, closures, and completions. There is a purging of the old life to initiate a new one. Purging can happening with effects through the physical, mental, and emotional body at this time and it doesn’t feel good. Scorpio rules the elimination system, it wants to get rid of what has been held onto for years, even decades.
This Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, also known as a Super Moon and a Bloodmoon is happening at 25 degrees Scorpio, along the south node access which rules your past. Look to your personal chart to which house has Scorpio and you will gain a greater understanding of what is being released and purged and alchemized. You are closing out a chapter here. Now look to the opposite house where Taurus is and this is where your healing is housed, the north node directs you to your future. Scorpio is the little death, Taurus is the rebirth.
Anyone with planets in the fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius at the degrees between 22 and 29 will feel this eclipse with the utmost intensity. Before I move further into this eclipse, let’s explore the houses, where the darkness is happening for a rebirth.
Read for your rising sign first as that is more personal to your chart and the Life Cycle happening now:
Aries & Aries Rising: 8th House of the Psyche, Shadow, Intimacy, Shared Money/Resources
Taurus & Taurus Rising: 7th House of Close Relationships, Partnerships, Harmony, Justice
Gemini & Gemini Rising: 6th House Physical Health, Daily Routine, and Service to Others
Cancer & Cancer Rising: 5th House of Playfulness, Inner Child, Love and Creativity
Leo & Leo Rising: 4th House of Family, “Mother”, Home, and Emotional Security
Virgo & Virgo Rising: 3rd House of Communication, Thinking Mind, Neighbors, Siblings
Libra & Libra Rising: 2nd House of Material Goods, Budgeting Your Money, Self Worth, and Values
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising: 1st House of Self Identity, Ego, Self Image and Outlook on Life
Sagittarius & Sag Rising: 12th House of Isolation, Sub Conscious, and Spirituality
Capricorn & Cap Rising: 11th House of Friends, Community, Future Hopes Wishes
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising: 10th House of Dharma and Life Purpose
Pisces & Pisces Rising: 9th House of Higher Perspective, Life Experience through Adventure, and Foreign Studies
Looking at the house in which the eclipse is is happening, do you see a pattern or theme playing out in your life? Know that this is happening FOR you and not TO you. The Universe conspires to help us and eclipses ultimately recalibrate you back to center, onto your life path and true self. Fight against it, it will be more challenging and difficult. Work with it, lean into it and ask what am I learning from this? How can I harness this Scorpionic Evolution and Transformational energy?
Scorpio is the keeper of secrets, hidden in the shadows, ready to strike when the time is right. At this time, there could be disclosures and secrets coming to the surface, but for very good reason. Having the depths of your soul revealed is needed in order to reach the healing and liberation we, as humans, ultimately crave.
People are revealing themselves for who they truly are and what they truly want and desire. Trust that.
Big aspects happening today with this eclipse.
Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio Squaring Saturn in Aquarius - the way forward feels blocked, no freedom in site, but know that what is happening is currently behind the scenes right now. The forces at play are greater than our human mind can even conceive. There will be a turning point, but probably not until after June 3rd.
Sun in Taurus Sextile Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Early degrees of Aries - a softening to the harshness of this day. Get outside and walk, journal, daydream. It is ok to feel all the feels the duality of this lifetime.
Venus in Aries is in Alignment with Chiron in Aries today. The wounded heart, the wounded relationship, the wounded ego. All melting in the fire of expectation and truth in order to be reshaped and transformed for the better. But it burns and bleeds. Where is Aries in your chart? Give your Self grace and space here for healing.
This eclipse is about control and forces you to realize you have none. None of us do. You are unwinding and unraveling years, maybe even decades of patterning and cycles that have been built up. Possibly maybe even ones that have been passed generationally. We are seeing this throughout the world as well. Are you choosing a Scorpio sting or the evolved Phoenix Scorpio source truth love to work through all of it?
Yoga, how can we use yoga to help us right now? Restorative and Yin yoga can help soften the electricity to our nervous system at this time. This eclipse is inward, psychological, and the more silent we can become through rest and stillness, the better. Your light is centered in truth, but is only brought force through the darkness. Use your lantern.
In-Joy & Alchemy,