Freedom vs Responsibility

Today marks a very important astrological event of 2021. Saturn in Aquarius is squaring Uranus in Taurus. It shows us a cycle in our life that will circle back again June 14th and then December 24th. We are experiencing freedom vs responsibility in a sector of our lives. When I do readings for clients, I often tell them to put these dates in their datebook or phone, with a reminder. Not to anticipate something “bad” happening, but to prepare mentally and mindfully. A few days before and after the exact touching point can help us observe what may be coming up in our lives and also how it effects us energetically. Following our stars, coupled with yoga classes for breathing, movement, meditation and self-awareness provides us vital tools to work with what is happening in our body, mind and spirit.

As an astrological guide for your 2021, I am here to help. I am sharing with you the definition of a square and where the growth protentional is, how to find it in your chart, what each house represents, and the essence of Aquarius and Taurus. Sometimes what we believe is happening in our life can shift as we reach the 2nd (June 14th) and the 3rd square (December 24th). We can look back at the dates, maybe read our journal for a refresher of themes around those dates and a pattern comes to light. I find when I am deep into “thinking” about it and not feeling it, I miss the main pattern point. I then pull away and objectively observe from a distance, in time and thought.

A square aspect puts friction between two planets, bringing about a challenge. A challenge is difficult to most because it places us in a position of discomfort. When we face and lean into the discomfort, this is where the greatest growth potential happens. A natal chart is 360° so a square is 90° which is three signs apart. It happens between the same quality of planets, meaning each planet is either cardinal (initiatory, starts seasons), fixed (unchanging, stabilized), or mutable (adaptable, flexible). Below is a list of planets that square one another:

  • Aries squares Cancer & Capricorn (Cardinal)

  • Taurus squares Leo & Aquarius (Fixed)

  • Gemini squares Virgo & Pisces (Mutable)

  • Cancer squares Libra & Aries (Cardinal)

  • Leo squares Scorpio & Taurus (Fixed)

  • Virgo squares Sagittarius & Gemini (Mutable)

  • Libra squares Capricorn & Cancer (Cardinal)

  • Scorpio squares Aquarius & Leo (Fixed)

  • Sagittarius squares Pisces & Virgo (Mutable)

  • Capricorn squares Aries & Libra (Cardinal)

  • Aquarius squares Taurus & Scorpio (Fixed)

  • Pisces squares Gemini & Sagittarius (Mutable)

Pull up your natal chart and look for Aquarius and Taurus. If you do not yet have a natal chart, contact me for a reading. Aquarius will start a “house” and Taurus will start a “house'“ - unless the sign is fully encompassed in a house, use that house. We read charts counter clockwise, find the symbol for Aquarius (♒︎) and which house it is incorporated within and then find the symbol for Taurus (♉︎) and do the same. Below I have listed simple house interpretations:

  • 1st House is Identity and Ego

  • 2nd House is Material Resources and Self Worth

  • 3rd House is Communication and Knowledge

  • 4th House is Home and Family

  • 5th House is Creativity and Children

  • 6th House is Health and Daily Work Routine

  • 7th House is Love and Relationships

  • 8th House is Psyche and The Shadow

  • 9th House is Higher Knowledge and Life Experience/Adventure

  • 10th House is Career and Life Purpose

  • 11th House is Friendships, Hopes and Dreams

  • 12th House is Spirituality, Secrets, and Endings

Now, for example, the square in my chart is happening between the 9th (Aquarius is here for me) and 12th House (Taurus is here for me). That means my life experience and sense of adventure is in conflict with my 12th house of spirituality, secrets and endings. More on this below.

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus has us looking at freedom versus responsibility. We are considering where we are holding onto past patterns and routines, old relationships, and self limiting beliefs. Out with the old and in with the new. Taurus desperately wants to hold onto the old, because it is comfortable and stable, it feels responsible to keep doing the “old” thing. Aquarius wants nothing to do with the old, it wants to break free! It wants freedom to explore and think differently in a world of old structures. It looks to the future of not only itself, but of all humanity. The old ways are crumbling and that feels uncomfortable, however like I mentioned, we have to get uncomfortable in order to grow. Where in your life do you have a lot of responsibility that requires discipline action? Could you incorporate a new routine in order to provide more freedom, but not shirk your duties? Where do you want to break free? If you don’t listen in now, it is surely to come back around even strong in June and at the end of the year.

My 9th House vs my 12th House. To provide a personal example, my 9th house is squaring my 12th house. I have been trying to finish a chapter of a book I am writing with a friend so we can send it to the publisher (9th house - publishing). I am also trying to finish my Hellenistic Astrology Course (9th house - higher education). It is in conflict of my 12th house, I have a lot of responsibilities and I feel an urge to want a lot of alone time in order to finish up some of these major projects. As a parent and a wife, my alone time is very limited. How can I create freedom (alone time) in order to fulfill my personal responsibilities (book and certificate) without also shirking my daily responsibilities (parenting, house, day job, work)? I have to think outside the box! Of course, once I get to the second square I may have a better understanding of the pattern, this may not even be the theme, but it feels so in this moment. How does this apply in your own life?

Curious how this will affect you? I have offerings of a natal chart reading or just look at the year ahead! Lot of yoga classes to work with these energies as well, I provide resources to mindfulness and connection. Follow this link.

In-Joy and Love,



Virgo Full Moon


Aquarius as my Lesson