Life Cycles Yoga

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Aquarius as my Lesson

I want to share something personal with you. I realized Aquarius is my biggest lesson and I am deeply grateful for it.

Do you have a Zodiac sign you are most comfortable with? How about feel opposed to? I am a Virgo Sun, Gemini Rising, Taurus Moon. Even though Gemini is an Air sign, just like Aquarius, I felt limited or strained connection to this Water Bearer sign. Every Aquarius relationship in my life seemed like a struggle. I just could not relate to them or understand them. Now, let me explain. Some of my closest Aquarius connections have changed my perspective drastically; sister, daughter, Aunt, two very close boyfriends, two bosses, countless girlfriends and even my 16 year old dog Jorge. I draw Aquarius into my life like a magnet, as my mirror and my lesson.

My Gemini Rising needs connection, communication, a social network, and lots of information. My Virgo Sun needs detail, sharing, teaching and serving. Both of these signs are ruled by Mercury, the communication and knowledge planet. You may understand now why I deeply need connection, talking, conversing, sharing, exploring, and interrelating. Aquarius is the opposite, they detach, are aloof and love alone time. Mostly opposite of my innate nature. I never understood how they could ignore texts, emails and phone calls. I could not grasp never responding to someone. It hurt me and I usually took it personally.

At the end of 2017, my Aquarius Boss pulled my team into a meeting. We were not doing well, our team was disconnected and disassociated due to her lack of leadership and minimal interpersonal skills. We were all spread across the US working from home. She had a deep heart-to-heart with us and admitted she was nearly never available. She also honestly told us that she did not enjoy the one-on-one relationships, but cared about our team as a whole. She was very open with us about her hopes and dreams for the future of our team. I thought about that conversation for a long time and knowing she is an Aquarius, it made perfect sense. I had never fully understood this sign and in that moment light bulbs went off! She did care and with her honesty, we provided feedback on what we needed as a team and things started to improve. Her focus was on progress of our work and also our future, which directly relates to Aquarius looking toward the future with their innovative ideas.

Aquarius detaches from the emotional one-on-one relationship, but cares deeply for humanity, friendships, and community. I consider this sign to be quite intuitive, empathically joined to the thought sphere of energy. They feel a lot and their clair senses are heightened. It is no wonder they disassociate at times, they need to disconnect to come fully back to themselves. They have an intuitive sense for the future, that is why they can fully think outside the box and provide higher perspectives on what is needed in order to move forward. My planetary ruler Mercury, is about the detail in the here and now. It is difficult for me to see through a wider lens. My broader perspective is quite limited to what I see right in front of me. The bigger picture for me is lost at times, until I finally learned to tap into my Aquarian energies AND my Aquarian relationships. It rules my 9th house of Spirituality, Adventure, Life Experience, and Philosophy.

Hence, my lesson. I finally understood. Through my Aquarius relationships I have learned it is ok for me to take time for myself, it is ok to seek out independence in thought, and freedom in interconnection. I understand and accept their communication style and pull back when I believe I have to constantly reach out. I have so much more to learn and am so grateful for this Aquarius Stellium today. I love to lean in and be curious about how it is manifesting in my life.

How is this concentration of planets playing out in YOUR life?

Not sure? Contact me for a reading.

New Moons are New Beginnings. Tap into this Aquarius energy and DREAM BIG! It rules the hopes and wishes for the future. Write down your new intention and keep it out where you can see it, to be reminded every day. You also may be feeling more introverted and tired today.

Take a look at which house(s) hold Aquarius in your chart. This will provide you insight into where this energy is concentrated, not only this week, but also through this year with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius until December 2021. Pay close attention to what comes up for you.

Sun in Aquarius - our ego, internal self
New Moon in Aquarius - our emotional self
Mercury in Aquarius - our communication and intellectual pursuits
Venus in Aquarius - our close one-on-one relationships
Jupiter in Aquarius - our opportunities and good luck
Saturn in Aquarius - our hard work and discipline

It rules the ankles and circulation. I love to emphasize pranayama during this time, working on the breath. Circulation of breath, of blood, of knowledge. As an air sign, it is heady, intellectual and social. Always learning and sharing in order to better the future through innovative thinking. We can make this World a better place together.

In-Joy and Love,
