Pleiades and My Moon

When I was 16 years old, I left my public library at closing time and walked to my car, astrology books in hand. A man walked up to his car besides me and he said "oh, looks like you are studying astrology." Growing up in Northern Indiana, I hid this part of myself because it wasn't mainstream and considered strange.

I was nervous and shyly answered him "yes".

He asked me "do you ever find yourself looking at the same part of the night sky?"

I hesitated, then answered "yes, to a small cluster of stars". Those stars were out that night and I pointed.

He said "those are the Pleiades. We always look towards where we come from. That is your home, that's why you look to it."

That blew my mind. As a child, I would lay awake at night staring at the night sky. It always felt like home. How did he know this?

Decades later, studying constellations, I found out that the Pleiades are in the Taurus constellation. If you are not sure what they are, they are also called The Seven Sisters or more familiar, they are the Subaru Symbol.

My moon sign is Taurus. Our moon sign is our emotional self, our feeling self. My heart sits with these seven sisters, this cluster of stars. I will never forget what happened that night. Is it true that where we find our gaze in the night sky is where we come from? I may never know until I pass. In the meantime, it gives me a sense of belonging amongst the stars and a deeper understanding of my emotional self.

Looking to understand your emotional self and find a sense of belonging? I offer chart readings and yoga offerings as your 500 hr RYT Astrology and Wellness Coach.


Aquarius as my Lesson


Imbolc - Saint Brigid