Yoga Teacher Conf 2022

I am so grateful and honored to be sharing my passion of yoga and astrology at the Yoga Teacher Conf in Denver this coming weekend. My class is on Sunday 4/24 at 8-11am MST and will focus on understanding moon phases, Zodiac signs, and how to incorporate them into your yoga teachings. Not only does this expand your offerings as as yoga teacher, it also provides you as a student deeper insight into the rhythmic cycles of your personal emotional life in relation to the moon. Each Zodiac season offers up a special energy in relation to the element and archetype of that sign. By studying this, we notice a pattern in the vibration of our life and can help understand why we feel the way we do at certain times of the year.

Students of my Life Cycles Yoga Series study and practice this weekly. If you are curious about this offering, check it out here.

If you are not a yoga teacher, that is ok! I will be offering this as a workshop coming soon in person and online that is tailored to the yoga student.

Join me!



Taurus New Moon Eclipse


The Mystic Conjunction