Virgo New Moon

New moons are new beginnings.

A healing new moon in Virgo arrives around 6:51pm MT at 14 degrees Monday 9/6.

I sat down to write this and honestly I wasn’t sure what I wanted to explore with this moon. I have been writing for a long time and there is so much to share. It’s not for lack of content or creativity, but rather I am smack dab in the middle of my Uranus Opposition and I would like to just go crawl into a cave and come out next year.

The more I dive into Astrology, the more synchronicity I see, the more cycles I become aware of, and the more cosmic connection I am in tune with. I feel pulled to share these cycles through teachings, yoga, and sacred circles, however, as Uranus in Taurus conjuncts my natal Chiron in Taurus and then opposes my natal Uranus in Scorpio I find it difficult to.

This transit happens mid-life and is one of the most challenging. It is considered the “mid-life crisis”. We often feel like everything is falling apart, relationships are ending, or nothing feels in the flow. Women will seek out more alone time to process their physical, emotional, and mental feelings. We can mistake it for perimenopause because Uranus rules electricity and our Kundalini energy gets activated, circling up the spine and shaking physical symptoms loose such as shaking, anxiety, sweating, and mood swings. It only happens for a short time in the grand scheme of things (around 8-9 months there are 3 activations), so anticipating it can help relieve it. This transit happens between the ages of 38-43.

I have pulled back from some yoga teaching, I have experienced extreme stress in my job, my daughters started back to school and one is now in middle school, my dog was put down, working on a book with a publisher, marriage counseling, physical pains, you name it, I am going through it. It will ebb and flow as Uranus is now retrograde (going backwards) and then will turn direct. Three climaxes. Deep breaths though, I have the tools, resources, and friendships at my fingertips as I traverse this major life transit.

I will be 43 on the Full Moon in Pisces September 20th. Yes, I am a Virgo and my birthday is coming up. This new moon Monday will feel renewing and energizing to the Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. New moons are a time of folding inward, contemplation and self-reflection. Where in your chart does this new moon fall?

Virgo is a healer. She is the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Made of the Earth she can teach you the ways of connection through nature, heal your Spirit and reconnect you with the cosmos. She is an observer, the grounded knower. Humble in Spirit, her life’s work is in service to others. Methodical, analytical, logical and discerning, she will hold your hand through the phases of your life with great knowledge. She knows what get ride, to release, and clear out. She find sacred in the ordinary sacred life.

I ask myself at mid-life “how can I bring back the knowledge of the ancients, that I hold deep within my body and share with others? will humanity ever circle back to the knowledge and healing power of nature? am I doing enough to discern and make decisions based on the alignment to my highest self?”

At this Virgo new moon, our energy is low, take some time to sit in the knowing, to do the inner work. An answer wants to come through. I recommend a Yoga Nidra practice to rest the nervous system, ruled by Virgo. Also a beautiful time to focus on health and new habits/routines because Virgo rules the health and daily tasks 6th house. Intestinal digestions may be finicky around this time, take care through growing that microbiome via kombucha, yogurts, fermented foods. Remember, the gut is the second brain.

Write down your new intention or goal and let the Universe hear it. She is listening.

Want to know more about the Uranus Opposition in your own life? Connect with me here.

In-Joy & Love,


Artist Unknown. If you know, contact me and I will give credit


Pisces Full Moon


Celebrating Balance