Pisces New Moon Stellium
If there is one thing this new moon in Pisces teaches us, it is surrender. No matter how much we try to control the flow of life, the events, people, and circumstances, it is in the surrender of the moment that matters.
Trust the unknown.
Trust the unseen.
Trust the Self.
It will all unfold as it should, flowing with life and you know what I mean. It feels better with the least resistance, not swimming against the current upstream. Turn down river, put your feet up this weekend, and let the current of this watery moon sweep you away.
Sleep, imagine, daydream, relax, listen to music, be creative, be in nature, be with those you love. What a dreamy time to escape the realities of the every day.
A Pisces Stellium with the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Neptune. It may all be an illusion, but just enjoy what you can when you can this weekend. What a beautiful time for forgiveness, kindness, trust, compassion and unconditional love.
Surrender. Everything will be ok.
Painting is “Falling to Sleep” by Juli Scalzi