Leo Full Moon
Hands on heart, close your eyes, drop out of your thoughts. Breathe. Deep breathe and feel the warmth of your hands on your chest. Leo is the heart. Opposite Aquarius, the mind. Full Moon in Leo at 9 degrees is opposing the busy futuristic mind of Aquarius today. Are you thinking a lot lately? It is time to take a break and reconnect with your physical body and passion of life. Find a way to tap into your aliveness!
Heart vs Head
Leo is a passionate fire sign, ruling over creativity, fun, playfulness and your inner child. As an adult, it is hard to find the time or even the energy to be joyful and dive into something you love. Full moons bring a higher energy and you may not be able to sleep as soundly. An inner fire is building and it’s possible to find a passion to finish a creative project you have been working on. It is a time to make progress on these, not to start new ones.
Express Yourself
A full moon also brings out the inner extrovert, things left unsaid or opinions you haven’t yet expressed may come out and at the least expected moments. Leo rules over the drama, the theatre, the arts - we find new ways to express ourselves and our creativity. Feel like painting? Feel like turning on music and dancing? Feel like running in a field? DO IT!!! Give yourself a ticket to fun! Whatever first pops into your mind, allow yourself to listen to the voice of your inner child.
I turned on music this week and danced in my living room. I took out a project that has been stalled, reached out for support, and found the desire to finish it. I played my new tongue drum. FUN!
An excellent balance to the seriousness of Aquarius season.
Follow Your Heart
Leo rules the heart and the spine. I have been focusing on heart openers and spinal twists this week. Offering my students to find the courage to be playful in their yoga practice with balancing starfish. Grounding in supine twists and strengthening in open hearted camel. I encourage following their heart, celebrate those love connections to themselves and others this week. Do you have the courage to start something creative? Are you allowing yourself fun? Take pride in your aliveness, the time is now! Lead with Love and the rest will follow.
Meditation Ritual
Go somewhere you can lay on your back and feel comfortable; floor, couch, bed. Roll up a blanket length wise so you can put it under your head and along your upper spine. Allow your shoulders to fall to the sides as your palms shine upwards. A gentle heart opener, straightening the legs and widening them so your heels are in and toes fall out to the sides.
Close your eyes and come to feel your breath and your physical body. Feel your heart beat, feel the tingling of your fingers and toes, come to feel the aliveness of your Self. Move into a state of relaxation and presence as your heart gently softens.
Imagining a path from mind to your heart, this path connects your mental body (Aquarius) to your physical body (Leo).
Open your eyes and read this (may want to write it on a paper before the meditation):
Dear Mind, my thoughts are a part of me and I love you. I wish for you to stop thinking endlessly, repeating things that do not serve me. When you become rigid and afraid, I choose to walk my path to my fearless and loving heart.
Dear Heart, I arrive to you with warmth and unconditional love. You may put down the burdens and pain, the heaviness you hold from being hurt. Soften your walls and allow yourself to work through the fear, calling in the courage to spark a new passion for life. I love you.
Dear Mind and Heart, Join together and allow the path between my head and my heart be a journey of bravery for connection, reflection and strength.
Lay as long as you like in this supine supported heart opener
Much love and In-Joy,