Life Cycles Yoga

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capricorn New Moon

New Moon Blessings tonight. The first of the year 2021, threading back to the one that happened just a year ago. We may be experiencing similar themes from then, or reflecting on the past. New moons are lower energy, we feel less extraverted and may fold inward to process, heal, restore. I have been pulling inward, contemplating some big shifts and movements happening in my world: challenging start to online school for the kids, re-applying to my own government county position so I can get benefits, yoga classes and studios, writing a yoga book, and life at home with the endless to-do list.

The only thing I find productive this week is prioritizing my rest and introspection.

Joyful Movement class started last Thursday and it was wonderful to connect with so many souls. First steps are MASSIVE towards making change and experiencing growth in our life. Just getting to the mat that early in the morning is a milestone. It is the little steps that matter, that count THE MOST in order to create new neuro-pathways in our brain.

This Capricorn New Moon at 23 degrees tonight is conjunct the Sun and Pluto - this means they are all in a line behind one another. Pluto is digging up any shadows we may not be comfortable facing, especially around our career, purpose and dharma. Is there something coming up from deep within that is difficult to acknowledge or face? Lean in, give yourself permission to explore. This sign embodies hard work, discipline, persistence and consistency. One thing I attribute to my well being this past year in 2020 was harnessing the intense Capricorn energy the entire year to just keep moving forward. What are some concrete practical steps forward you are making to dedicate towards your new intention, goal or direction?

Yoga Sutra 1.12 (abhyasa-vairagyabhyam tan-nirodhah) states "Through systematic practice we gain stability of body and mind; we strengthen our power of will and determination." Abyhasa is steady and consistent practice. Step by step, consistency pays off and Joyful Movement is that class to help motivate you to take those steps. A once a week reminder to come back to your intention or goal and devote at least one hour to breathing through it, physically moving your body, and ultimately changing those neuropathways to create the evolution you are craving.

“The very heart of yoga practice is ‘abyhasa’ - steady effort in the direction you want to go.” Sally Kempton

New Moons are new beginnings and we can tend to feel more introverted, tired, and reflective. Take time this week to check in with how you are feeling and contemplate if something is on your mind calling out for new steps. It rules the knees, one of the most important joints on the body. Give some loving attention to those knees. Chair pose, malasana, and gate pose are wonderful asana to practice for energy connection to that part of the body. As an Earth sign, maybe get outside, connect with nature. Work through this heavy energy by moving the body any way that makes you feel good.

In-Joy and Love,
