Cancer Full Moon

We are coming full circle in 2020 with a Cancer Full Moon today at 8 degrees. We started off this pivotal year with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10th, and may be reconnecting or reliving events from that time. Allow yourself some space to reflect this week, look back in your journal or pictures for a reminder and celebrate how much you have managed, adapted to, changed, and evolved. It will be an emotional, sensitive, raw start to the New Year 2021, but you are stronger because of it. Be kind to yourself and others, the tidal wave between processing the past year and anticipating the new one is difficult to navigate at times.

Post Christmas I have been feeling very tired and down, now that the festivities are over, the planning is done, the presents opened and the house is a wreck. Our home is in focus this week, along with family because Cancer is associated with both. At the end of the year, I often feel pulled to purge and clean, mostly because of the mess and the new presents - where are we going to put them!? We have been renovating our bathroom and have been working on it full force. Have you been making changes in your home? If you have been working from home most of the year, maybe you are inspired to rearrange, renovate or change some things too.

Cancer rules the stomach and the chest. How we nourish ourselves come into focus. Typically the end of a year finds us reflecting on the past and oh my what a year it has been! How do we process and digest all that has happened? Not only do we digest food, but we digest emotions. Cancer is ruled by the moon and is a water sign, so leading up to and during this full moon will be emotional. Keep in mind it affects everyone differently, some may feel rejuvenated, joyous and excited, or maybe tired, anxious, and depressed, it all depends where you are at in this moment and where the moon lands in your chart. Honor what you are feeling, lean into it. A ritual for this full moon is to write down something that needs to be let go and released out into the universe - maybe a self limiting belief, a negative perspective, an old habit. Place it in a jar of water and let the paper slowly disintegrate, then pour it out.

The archetype of the Mother is Cancer’s domain. Our own mothers or those that may be similar to mother’s are in our spotlight; aunties, mentors, grandmothers. I know I have been reminiscing about my time at my grandparent’s house, missing my hometown and past Christmas’. When we feel sad, which comes up with moons such as these, we may feel a deep internal desire to be held, nurtured, and loved. However, we don’t always have the “mother” type to support us in that way physically or emotionally. Tap into the wellspring idea of “mothering” yourself. Give yourself that which you need, feed yourself healthy yummy foods, poor yourself a hot tea, take yourself out on a walk, put yourself to bed early. We return home to our hearts with this moon, what makes you feel most at home within yourself?

If you are looking for ways to work with these energies, process the emotion through your mind, body and spirit, join me for yoga classes, check them out here. Each class is specially created for the stars of the week to help you ground and feel supported. My yoga classes are accessible and welcoming for all levels and touch upon all limbs of yoga, not just asana.

Take this week to reflect, process and also tap into your intuition and synchronicities around you. Journal, meditate, walk near water, take a hot bath. Let the tidal wave of emotion wash through you. Listen deeply into what you really want to bring into the new year, it may be a powerful time to acknowledge your new found priorities and intentions.

Happy Full Moon!



New Year Intention


Winter Solstice and 0°