Life Cycles Yoga

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Leo Full Moon

As we are already a few days into Pisces season, I recognize my need to slow down and go inward. It all started on the Leo Full Moon 2/16, especially with Venus & Mars in Capricorn sitting in my 8th house - introspection for transformation. As I age, I am honoring my energy and my time for silence even more, I could not find the words to write here. This strong energy in my 8th house overpowered the Leo Full Moon in my 3rd hour of communications. My voice was muted, or maybe it is being alchemized into a new way of sharing.

I pull back, I listen within.

Leo being a more boisterous and outgoing fiery passionate sign, I found a playfullness with my kids and celebrated my daughter’s birthday playing games, embracing Middle School drama, and painting ceramics. The day after on 2/18, the sun moved into Pisces and my heart gushed love into compassion for my inner child and took it slow. Letting go of expectations and attachment to outcome, I found a new strength inward, that the Lion gently pulled forward. Working with the Leo Full Moon in yoga classes last week, I offered up a subscapular release, which works with the heart and lung meridian lines. Pressing into the mayofacia with a yoga block, breathing through the blockage and the pain, there was a new found release.

My heart opened and dreams poured in. A healing season has begun.

If you are interested into tapping into the power of the Pisces New Moon encouraging a deep love for others and your Self, sign up for the Free Yoga Book Club. 2 CEUs for yoga teachers. We will be exploring my friend and fellow yogi Michelle Finerty’s book The Yamas and Niyamas of Parenting. This is not just for parents of kids, it is for any parents of fur babies, or even caretakers. A gentle look into also parenting our Self.

In-Joy & Love,