Scorpio Super Moon

Scorpio Super Moon at 7° opposite Uranus, Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Taurus, squaring Saturn in Aquarius. The last full moon before the first eclipse of 2021 in May.

Impactful. Potent. Powerful. Triggering.

This is not a fun happy moon. It is in it’s fall, it’s detriment, it’s depression. We’re traveling to the Underworld of fear and uncertainty, our anger can come up from the murky depths if it has stayed underwater too long. The secrets you’re hiding from your Self, they’re revealing themselves. Time to face the darker side and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The sooner you face the storm, the sooner your lighthouse appears.

“Darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable, lightness has a call that’s hard to hear. And I wrap my fear around me like a blanket, I sailed my ship of safety till I sank it. I’m crawling on your shores.” Closer to Fine ~ Indigo Girls

Our ships of safety are crumbling and sinking, finding safety in comfort and pleasure (Taurus) is no longer an option, my friends. Time to face that which you are resisting. Because of the opposition to Uranus in Taurus, squaring Saturn in Aquarius, unexpected surprises, turning points and life changing events are activated.

Expect the unexpected and the more you go with the flow and trust, the easier the ride will be. Find your lighthouse.

Full moons shine lights into the dark corners and expect full emotion in this introverted sign of Scorpio. It is penetrating, primal, powerful and destructive. It rules death and decay, let that which no longer serves you to die away, decay into the aftermath in order to compost into something better, bigger, brighter. Call in your deepest reserves of resilience, perseverance and strength. Know your strengths through your uniqueness in this world. Let go of impatience and acknowledge the long road ahead.

Find balance between the Earthly pleasures of Taurus and the darkened abyss of Scorpio. Taurus wants comfort and stability, feeling secure in every action they take. Scorpio is comfortable with the feeling of fear and uncertainty, it asks you to peek into the darker journey of your life. Money and sexuality are also themes, finances and kinks and pleasures of the flesh.

Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, goes retrograde tomorrow. It allows you to time to process and analyze these penetrating themes, give yourself permission to do so. Wonderful time to seek out therapy, tarot, psychics, and astrologers to understand the process you are exploring right now.

Be near water or in water, make full moon water placing a glass in the moonlight tonight and call in your Spirit guides.

Contemplate these questions:

  • Where do I need to apply greater self-discipline and consistency to achieve my long term goal?

  • What triggers or fears are coming up for me right now around insecurities and how do I give myself grace to face them?

  • Where do I need to take a risk and face uncertainty?

  • Where am I seeking freedom from restriction?

Join me Monday nights to work with the astrological energies through yoga asana, pranayama (breathwork), and yamas/niyamas. Scorpio rules the reproductive system/genitals and Taurus rules the neck. You can process what you are feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally, allowing yourself space to honor your path.

Much love,



Taurus New Moon


Aries New Moon