The Triple Conjunction
Have you ever seen the movie The Dark Crystal? In it Aughra, the mystical mother-like cosmos secret keeper tells Jen about the Great Conjunction. This was a coming together of the three suns of Thra, which when they met in the sky, they brightly beamed down through a large triangle onto the Dark Crystal to heal it and create a new path forward for their world; one of light and prosperity.
Today, we are experiencing our own triple conjunction, but not of three suns. It is just as healing and mystical as the one in The Dark Crystal because it is showing us the path forward. 2022 has been offering us chances to get uncomfortable, because there is growth in challenge. If you have been feeling off, provoked, or opposed lately, like nothing is going your way, welcome to your evolution. It is time to level up and choose a different action and reaction.
Mars (action, energy, war, frustration), meets up with Uranus (awakening, future, freedom, individuality) and the fated future path of the North Node in Taurus.
This conjunction has been activated and triggered all year, leading up to this point there have been signs in your life about your path forward. A conjunction is a new beginning, even it is feels deeply transformational and uncertain, know that this is a positive aspect.
Key lessons are in letting go of control, letting go of expectations, and letting go what is weighing you down. You are detaching from people, routines, traditions, and old ways of thinking that keep you from growing. It is time to BREAK FREE from the old path, to create a new one.
With this conjunction in Taurus, an Earth sign, there is an emphasis on what makes you feel secure, comforted, sensual, stable, and valued. This conjunction is deeply about your sense of SELF-WORTH. How do you value your Self? When you value your health, physically, mentally, and Spiritually, ultimately it gives others permission to do so as well. It helps your friends, family, and community - as we are all in this together.
Watch for sudden acts of rebellion. Are you doing it out of a deep passionate desire or just against perceived restrictions?
It's time to level up. So how do we work with this energy today and tomorrow?
Taurus rules the neck and throat. Time to find your voice. Depending on where Taurus is in your chart, meditation in nature is a wonderful way to work through this energy. Go outside for sit, swim, bike, hike, fish, run, paddleboard, whatever it is you love to do. It is time to slow down and don’t push today. Restorative or yin yoga, introspective practices such as journaling and speaking with a trusted friends. Listen inward, because your path is changing.
In-Joy and Love,