Life Cycles Yoga

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Taurus New Moon

Here, in Colorado, it snowed last night and the rain continues through today. I want to ignore my responsibilities and just make a coffee, eat chocolate chip cookies, and read a good book. Comfort and security are important to Taurus and this new moon is calling us inward to restore and heal. Our senses are heightened, things we eat, smell, touch, listen to and see are stimulated through the lens of Venus. Oh what beauty we can find in this natural physical world!

At 21 degrees, this Taurus New Moon is conjunct my natal Taurus moon marking a new emotional cycle for me. Since April 1st, I have been participating in 30 day challenges. April had me riding my bike every day, even through snow and heavy rain. May has me juicing mornings and walking every day for at least 30 minutes. Taurus as a fixed sign often has trouble changing their patterns, routines, and habits. I know this intimately because it rules my emotional self. I seek comfort through the senses, good foods, smells, and pleasures. I don’t like being uncomfortable. Emotionally I want to feel stable and secure, so I create environments that are Earthy and grounded and support others in my energetic space the same. It is difficult for me to make changes or even get started. However, I tapped into the positive qualities of my Taurus moon of persistence and consistency and gave myself the opportunity to apply those to challenges. They have allowed me to leave my comfort zone and make progress, feeling inspired and motivated.

Taurus rules nature and the physical Earth and body realm, in particular the neck and thyroid. It’s sister sign, Scorpio, rules the underworld and our emotional bodies, the pelvis and reproductive system. Taurus likes comfort and control. Scorpio is comfortable with being uncomfortable and accepts things in an orderly chaos. On this moon, we may want to make a small cozy cave and hide within so we can heal, think, and feel good. It is a positive moon, exalted in Taurus, set new intentions and plant a new seed.

What can you plant today to steadily grow? Write down your new intention and if you can, plant it outside in your yard or garden. Have a big houseplant? Tuck it into the vase. Literally plant this new seed in the dirt. Find gratitude and nourish your seed with one small step a day, watch it manifest.

Working on my habits and routines right now is very important, it is not just the practical things like juicing and eating habits, but the emotional connection that goes along with them. Slow and steady wins the race with Taurus and I am accepting that the little changes I am making today will ultimately impact my long term future. Seeds of change, growth, and renewal.

Taurus also rules finances, budgeting and money. What little steps can you take to manage your money? Stability and security through a solid financial foundation can be visualized with this moon. It may not be fun to set up a budget, but it certainly will be helpful. Take advantage of this new moon and set a financial new intention, even if it is just to make a list of steps you want to take to invest, save, and spend.

Wishing you many pleasures and indulgence to enjoy this lush and beautiful grounded Taurus New Moon.

Remember to enjoy, but don’t escape. Stay on track, then treat yo’self!

In-Joy & Love,
