Life Cycles Yoga

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Taurus New Moon Eclipse

A Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse happens Saturday 4/30 afternoon, only a partial eclipse visible in the South Americas. Even though it is considered partial, it is still fully influential on us in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

Taurus rules the throat, larynx, and thyroid. Taurus is exalted in the moon, so this new beginning is all powerful and we can feel it within our healing cells. Ruled by Venus, we may seek indulgence and comfort through good movies, delicious foods, soft comfy clothes, intimate touch, deep rest and naps, and fantastic music - all evoking the senses. A lot of energy is travelling through our throat chakras and as Pluto turns retrograde it has to do with power and transformation. We have something to say, we just may not know how to say it.

This leads me to Yoga Sutra 117, which describes Bandha and Moksha. Bandha is bondage or restriction and Moksha is liberation and freedom. This eclipse series is illuminating a part of life we feel deeply constricted: relationship, career, home, location, health journey, friendships, community, learning, dis-ease, self-limiting beliefs, etc. Something in your life wants to break free, but you can’t quite make the move to do it, to release the chains, to surrender to the flow, to the power of pure freedom.

“The cause of Bandha and Moksha (bondage & liberation) is our own minds. If we think we are bound, we are bound. If we think we are free, we are free. It is only when we transcend the mind that we are free from all these troubles.” - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 117

What is the Bandha for you right now? Where do you feel completely restricted, with no path in site? How would it feel to be completely liberated from this and lean into Moksha?

Self awareness is the first step. Eclipses bring activated turning points into our lives to force us back onto our truest path for our highest self. These situations and feelings that you are experiencing are to be trusted, processed, and understood. There is a reason they are happening. The Universe is conspiring in your favor.

Taurus rules the 2nd house of stability, security, and safety. It shows us what basic needs we need in our life to feel these things all together, the money we earn to live comfortably and safely. If you are feeling anxious, uncentered, or ungrounded right now, know that you are are not alone. The astrology in the skies is intense. This eclipse activates Uranus in Taurus, which may bring shocking revelations or secrets to the surface. All in the name of Moksha, freedom and liberation.

This eclipse is connected to the one from November 19th, 2021 and will continue to play out until November 8th 2022. Are you seeing a cycle here? Or a pattern? What is shifting for you?

I have a Taurus moon and it is in my 12th house. I have struggled with writing this post as the 12th house wants us to isolate, to rest, to fold inward. Emotional upgrades through a series of challenges is how I see this for me as well. I also started my Reiki Certification today with my Usui Lineage Teacher Dan Liss. I am so grateful to have such a powerful mentor and compassionate leader to learn from. My 12th house was lit up all day and I take that connection to Spirit with me through the weekend.

A wonderful time to get out in nature, Taurus is an Earth sign after all. Lay under a tree, touch your bare feet to the grass, look up at the stars in this dark moon sky, smell the sweet flowers on the blooming trees. Breathe. Heal. Flow.

Choose liberation over restriction in the following houses, read for your rising sign, then your sun sign:

Aries & Aries Rising: 2nd House of Material Goods & Self Worth

Taurus & Taurus Rising: 1st House of Self Identity and Outlook on Life

Gemini & Gemini Rising: 12th House of Isolation and Restoration

Cancer & Cancer Rising: 11th House of Friends and Future Wishes

Leo & Leo Rising: 10th House of Dharma and Purpose

Virgo & Virgo Rising: 9th House of Higher Perspective and Life Experience

Libra & Libra Rising: 8th House of the Psyche and the Shadow

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising: 7th House of Close Relationships

Sagittarius & Sag Rising: 6th House Health and Service to Others

Capricorn & Cap Rising: 5th House of Playfulness and Creativity

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising: 4th House of Home and Emotional Security

Pisces & Pisces Rising: 3rd House of Communication and the Thinking Mind

In-Joy & Alchemy,
