Life Cycles Yoga

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Libra New Moon

What is your relationship with your Self?

Take a moment to think about it.

Do you nourish your body? Do you make decisions that take into consideration how you would feel? Do you prioritize your mental health? Do you love your Self?

Once I started to treat myself with the love, compassion, and kindness I show towards others my whole world changed. Did it happen overnight? Hell no, it took time, persistence and a whole lot of self-awareness. Prioritizing my relationship with how

Today a new moon in Libra touches the Sun, Mercury, and Mars while the soul evolutionary planet Pluto turns direct. This new moon is a start to a new cycle, write down your intentions how you can discover a whole new loving relationship with your Self. Find more balance to prioritize You for once; work, home, play, relationships, diet, etc. Where do you feel out of balance?

With a dark moon, our energy is low, try balance breath to calm the mind and find harmony in your thoughts. On this day, Pluto the planet of evolution and transformation will go direct. Pluto rules over our psyche and the cycle of death and rebirth, find Capricorn in your chart and which house it is transiting. This is where you may be experiencing the most transformation with Pluto traveling through, it is time to step forward into the light after experiencing the darkness.

Let’s explore this New Moon, touching Mars you may feel a fire rising inside, however with all the planets in Libra, we may choose the middle road and compromise.

Sun in Libra - our identity and ego want and need love, it wants to express love and give love, to the self and to a significant other. Can you seek within that which you do not get from another?
Moon in Libra - New beginnings in the emotional self through relationships, self-love, self-acceptance, all in a softening to provide this to others as well. Seeking out harmony, taking the middle road. Are you losing your sense of self by compromising too often though?
Mercury in Libra Rx - messages are coming through from our past, could be friends, lovers, exes, partners. It is time to recalibrate. What is left undone, unsaid, unreconciled?
Mars in Libra - action oriented, steps toward a resolution to find the perfect balance, sometimes detaching from the outcome in order to find inner peace is the better option. What ignites your fire and tends to the flames of your current path?

Chiron in Aries OPPOSING all of these planets! Chiron is the wound and in Aries, it is our ego. Are you being triggered right now? This week the lighter ignites and the fight ensues, but with so many planets in Libra, we may just realize it is not worth the fight. Possibly it is more worth the peace to work on our inner wound than to create a wound in another.

Your body will feel this moon today, lower back and kidneys are ruled by Libra. Aries rules the head, you may have a headache, pressure in the sinuses, eye pain, ear pain. Make a decision to take care of your Self. It is ok to rest, take medicine, hydrate. Laying with legs up the wall, eye pillow, and chill music on is like a warm hug from the cosmic mother.

Take a breath before speaking today, you owe it to yourself. No need to combust.

In-Joy and Love,
