Scorpio New Moon Revelations
Here it is several days after the Scorpio New Moon and my energy has transmuted even more. The new moon week I couldn’t find the motivation to do a blog post, even though I felt on fire posting on social media. The alchemy of my soul shifted gears the day after the new moon and the conversations I had leading up to it caused little endings, little deaths to relationships and situations, only to make way for rebirth and new beginnings.
Falling into my 6th house, this new moon conjunct my natal Venus and Uranus in Scorpio, all opposite my natal Chiron and transition Uranus, the unexpected reared it’s ugly head. Internal transformation is what I am feeling; more focused and determined, hard working and proud of my persistence, the ability to not respond and the allowance of rest. Big themes for me; marriage, love, sexuality, core wound, ego, day-to-day work, and of course my health.
Things are moving, shifting and revealing. In all the processing, find a grounding, find what calms, connect with nature, and inner light.
Mid-life, I finally deeply know that I hold the power in my own life to:
We’re meant to feel a lot right now, especially in Scorpio season and all through November. Allow the endings and welcome the new beginnings.